Code 3 Records Artist Services is changing the Music Industry and helping all music creators claim ownership and collect all available royalties forever for their music.

Code 3 Records Artist Services positions artists and musicians for success in the 21st century. We have developed a step-by-step process, and the industry connections over 20 years to make sure that a band, songwriter, or artist completely owns their own music, and is registered with all the relevant agencies to ensure they access all the revenue due to them them from the use of their music–past, present, and future.  We believe that complete, air-tight ownership of your music and registration with every possible registration agency are the key foundations to finding success and making money as a musician in the 21st century.

The bulk of our work is focused on the mountains of paperwork and digital documents required to register songs in such a way that artists can receive ALL POSSIBLE COMPENSATION for spins, plays, and usage online and in the media. This way, artists can focus on their music, and we do all the boring stuff required to help you succeed in a contemporary, digital landscape that evolves rapidly all the time. You made the music, now make sure you own it and get compensated for it!

We also submit artists regularly for licensing opportunities through our network of more than 5,000 industry insiders, across such networks as (Showtime, Comedy Central, MTV, among others). 

Code 3 Records Artist Services’ purpose is very clear.
That is to pave the way forward to fair compensation for ALL musicians, so that their music business is their primary profession!